Katrin Hofmann, Betreuungspädagoge

I work with a major welfare organisation in Düsseldorf. I instruct and assist our residents and I am also in charge of housekeeping.

Interview with Kathrin Hofmann on July 31st, 2019

She attended a job-related further training class to become a “Betreuungspädagogin” (approx. Integration Assistant for Persons with Special Needs) from November 2016 to November 2017.

Why did you decide to do your training at EuBiA?

I worked as a media designer for a long time, but the job changed completely throughout the years. So, I decided to do something else. I knew welfare work is sought-after and I came to read about this course on the EuBiA homepage. I thought that this programme was very interesting and decided to take it.

How did you cope with being a student again?

It was odd but exciting. Suddenly, you find yourself in a class with people of different age, education, and motivation. I learned to deal with it, which helped me later in my job. I still stay in touch with some of my fellow students.

How did you master your daily routine during the course?

I don’t have children or other family responsibilities, so I could fully concentrate on the training. I could study at home when necessary. It was an exciting period. I drew my motivation from having my goal in mind.

Which contents of the course were new for you?

Coming from a completely different line of work, almost everything was new. I didn’t know anything about offer planning or group project work. My aha-moment was giving a presentation. I couldn’t imagine doing it before, but I had to rise to the challenge. I found a subject on which to give my presentation and was caught by surprise how well I could overcome my former boundaries. I could do it! This helped me a lot in my new job, where I oversee hygiene and often give presentations.

How did you cope with the learning workload?

That was ok for me as I knew all the learning techniques already. Of course, I had to get used to being in a student situation again. But it worked well.

What did you find difficult?

Group work. You need to co-operate with people who work differently and don’t have the same pace. But that, too, always worked out in the end.

Which contents were most useful to you, personally as well as professionally?

Psychology and education science. It was fascinating to learn how interaction works with human beings. And of course, nutrition science and health education, as I work in that field now.

How did you cope with the exam?

At first, we were all nervous before the exam. But we were well prepared, and our coaches gave us good advice on what is important for passing the exam.

If you had to decide again, would you still take this course?

Yes, of course!

With all that you know now – what would you do differently?

Nothing at all!

How did your life change after the course?

It changed completely as I work in an entirely different work field: from the print office to social work.

Where do you work now?

I work with a major welfare organisation in Düsseldorf. I instruct and assist our residents; I’m also in charge of housekeeping and manage their daily subsistence allowance. My conclusion: This course helped me find a new opportunity in welfare work - it was the right thing to do!

Thank you for talking to us, Ms. Hofmann. We wish you all the best!
