Alphabetisierungskurs - Sprachkurs


Quite an amount of people among Germans as well as among immigrants cannot read and write sufficiently. Many of them must overcome another obstacle: they not only have to learn to speak German but also to read and write in the Latin alphabet. Our literacy programme helps them master that challenge. The course consists of two parts: language acquisition and German culture, history, and politics.


Starting dates

Auf Anfrage

Dauer & Umfang

900 units à 45 minutes or 1200 units (900 + 300 if needed)

Admission requirements

Candidates will take an assessment test to determine their need for a literacy programme as well as their personal goals.


• grundlegendes Wissen über das lateinische Schriftsystem
• elementare Kenntnisse der deutschen Sprache
• Kompetenzen im Bereich der Lernerautonomie
• Vermittlung sprachlicher und schriftsprachlicher Kompetenzen
• sprachliche und schriftsprachliche Progression

Final exam: Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer (DTZ)
