telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule


telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule prüft hochschulbezogene Deutschkenntnisse auf weit fortgeschrittenem Niveau. Die Prüfung richtet sich an Erwachsene, die an einer deutschsprachigen Hochschule ein Studium aufnehmen möchten, die bereits studieren oder in einem akademischen Beruf arbeiten und ihre Deutschkenntnisse nachweisen möchten.

Für berufliche Zwecke eignet sich auch telc Deutsch C1 Beruf.


Starting dates

Auf Anfrage

Dauer & Umfang

This test has a written and an oral part.

The written exam takes 3 hours and 40 minutes (including a 20-minute break).
Before the oral exam you have 20 minutes to prepare.
The written and oral exams can but need not be taken on the same day.

Admission requirements

We will discuss your situation and all the details in a personal meeting.

Foreign students need to prove their proficiency of German to be admitted for university studies in Germany. The test telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule is approved by the University Rectors’ Conference (Hochschulrektorenkonferenz) and the Conference of Ministers of Education of the federal states (Kultusministerkonferenz).

According to § 8 RO-DT (framework regulation of German language tests for admission to universities in Germany) persons who passed the telc Deutsch C1 language test do not need to prove their language proficiency in any other way. This framework regulation has been valid for all German universities since February 12th, 2016. However, we recommend contacting your university as regulations might differ.


• Schriftliche Prüfung
• Mündliche Prüfung

Written exam

  • Reading comprehension (90 minutes)
  • Break (20 minutes)
  • Listening comprehension (40 minutes)
  • Text production (70 minutes)

Oral exam

  • Group examination with 2 or 3 participants (16 or 24 minutes respectively)

In the app “telc Deutsch C1 Wortschatz” you can find exercises for relevant vocabulary, phrases, and texts on level C1. The app contains all written and audio texts from the book "Einfach zum Studium! Deutsch für den Hochschulzugang C1". It can also be used independently from the book.
